Walking the Via Dolorosa (Stations of the cross) in Jerusalem’s old city. 

As told we all gathered outside the Basilica of St. Anne, Mr. Hani gave briefed us on Via Dolorosa which is within the Old City of Jerusalem, the path that Jesus walked while carrying His cross. It begins near the Lions’ Gate in the Muslim Quarter and ends at the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in the Christian Quarter with 14 Stations of the Cross which are marked in Roman numerals.


Station 1:  Jesus is condemned to death

First Station: Pontius Pilate condemns Jesus to die.

The First Station is located on the north-west corner of the temple mount. This site was the place of the seat of Pontius Pilate and the location of the Hall of Judgment.  It now houses a Umariyya School.

Station 2: Jesus carries his cross.

Second Station: Jesus carries his cross.

There are two churches in the compound – the Flagellation and the Condemnation.

2. Church of Condemntion and Flagellation
The Flagellation Church

This is located next to the Franciscan Monastery of the Flagellation, across the road from the First Station.

Interiors of the Church: there are illustrations on stained-glass windows, to the left Pontius Pilate washing his hands from the sin; in the center flogging Jesus and placing a crown of thorns over the head;  and on the right Barrabbas rejoices on his release instead of Jesus.
Interiors of the church of Condemnation,  According to tradition, this was the site where Jesus took up his cross.
The Ecce Homo Arch, between Stations 2 and 3

Station 3: Jesus falls the first time

A small Chapel commemorating this event was built
Interiors of the Chapel

Station 4: Jesus meets his mother

The 4th station is located besides the 3rd station. Jesus met his mother Mary according to the tradition.

Station 4: Jesus meets his mother
The entrance

We walked a couple of meters further and turned right to reach the 5th Station.

Station 5: Simon of Cyrene helps Jesus to carry the cross

Station 5: Simon of Cyrene helps Jesus to carry the cross

A small Franciscan  church is located at this station, dedicated to Simon the Cyrenian, who assisted Jesus with the cross. The right side of the structure, has a cavity which is said to be the imprint of Jesus hand.

The imprint of Jesus hand.

Station 6: Veronica wipes the face of Jesus

St. Veronica wiped Jesus’ face with her handkerchief, leaving an image of his face imprinted on the cloth. The relic, known as the Sudarium or Veronica, is kept at St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome.

The old stone pillar, is an inscription with the station’s name.

Station 7: Jesus falls the second time

This is marked by a Franciscan chapel.

Behind the doors  is a small chapel

Station 8:  Jesus speaks to the women of Jerusalem


beneath the number marker is a carved stone, marks the station (“IC-XC NI-KA”, means: Jesus Christ conquers)

Station 9 : Jesus falls a third time

The 9th station is adjacent to the Holy Sepulcher.

Ninth Station: Jesus falls a third time.

The last five Stations of the Cross are situated inside the Church of the Holy Sepulchre

Dome of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre

Station 10:  Jesus is stripped of His garments

Window to the Chapel of the Franks

Station 11:  Jesus is nailed to the cross

This station is located inside the Church of the Holy Sepulchre.

Steps leading to  place of crucifixion, Golgotha

Stations 12: Jesus dies on the cross

Jesus is crucified and dies on the cross, ending His agony.  A silver disk with a central hole, underneath the altar, marks the spot where the Cross stood.


Station 13: Jesus is taken down from the cross

The body of Jesus was laid on this stone after removed from the cross.

Station 14: Jesus is laid in the tomb

This is the final station of Via Dolorosa, located in round hall.  The first chamber inside it is called the Chapel of the Angel. Behind the Chapel is another narrow door which leads to a smaller inner chamber – the tomb of Jesus.


Thus ends the journey of the “Via Dolorosa” or  Stations of the cross in Jerusalem’s old city.

12 thoughts on “Walking the Via Dolorosa (Stations of the cross) in Jerusalem’s old city. 

  1. Great photo essay of the Stations of the Cross route! I won’t be able to see this myself because as a Malaysian citizen, I’m prohibited to enter Israel, as such, visual tours like this from those who have been to Israel will suffice 🙂

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